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Download PiezoDN for Mac

Login is required to access this page. After purchasing either Piezography Professional Edition or PiezoDN, you will be given login access to Piezography.com and to the appropriate package that you purchased from us. Please Login at the top left of this web page or visit shop.inkjetmall.com to purchase your software.
File Name: Install-PiezoDN_v2.8.pkg
Version: 2.8
Requirements: OS X 10.6 or later, QuadtoneRIP, Piezography Ink, Print-Tool, Excel 2011 or later and/or Numbers
Optional Requirements: i1Pro (or equivalent) Spectrophotometer


Download PiezoDN for Windows

Note: The windows version will not allow printing with ICC profiles.

Login is required to access this page. After purchasing either Piezography Professional Edition or PiezoDN, you will be given login access to Piezography.com and to the appropriate package that you purchased from us. Please Login at the top left of this web page or visit shop.inkjetmall.com to purchase your software.

File Name: Install PiezoDN v2.8.exe
Version: 2.8
Requirements: Window XP or later, QuadtoneRIP + Curve Tools, Piezography Ink, Photoshop, Excel 2011 or later.
Optional Requirements: i1Pro (or equivalent) Spectrophotometer


Change Log:

v2.8 10/24/2019 ~ Updated PiezoDN curves to include Pro MaldeWare (PtPd-PrintOut) and Normal (PtPd-DevOut), + Cyanotype starting curves. Smaller download as all target images are now in Community Edition.


v2.6 11/28/2018 ~Updated PiezoDN curves (smoother tonal range). Got rid of the redundant curves (Pd-Ox, Pd-AC, etc). Added curve _ReadMe.pdf files to every curve folder. Created new Quick Start guide for PiezoDN. Included Piezography Manual 2018.2 Deluxe Edition. Added P400/R2000 Pro ink beta curves.

v2.5 02/05/2018 ~ Added curve support for SureColor P400, P600, P800, and P6000-P9000 for traditional (not Pro) Piezography ink. Note, Pxxxx carts are not available (only small format ones for P400, P600, and P800). We are still in testing for large format US market cartridges. These carts ARE available in non-US countries though so we have added curves for those markets.

v2.4 (Windows) 11/19/2017 ~Built out a brand-new curve installer to allow for easy installation of PiezoDN curves into the Windows version of QTR. PiezoDN for Windows is no longer in Beta. Streamlined the folder structure as well as the ReadMe.pdf.

v2.3 07/10/2017 ~Added R2000 PiezoDN and R2000 PiezoDN-P2 digital negative curves. (Use the new cartridges at shop.inkjetmall.com for this system! Follow the R1430 instructions for paper handling on all small format printers. New “small format instruction” document forth-coming. Added install instructions for Windows Beta.

v2.2 02/21/2017 ~ ! IMPORTANT BUG FIX !! This update fixes an alias incompatibility with i1Profiler that causes i1Profiler to crash after clicking the RGB Profiling tab. If you have downloaded and installed the Community Edition, you should also download it’s most recent version to fully correct the problem with this installer and the new Community Edition installer.

I1profiler download mac os

v2.1 01/10/2017 ~ Added *BETA* Piezography Pro inkset support to PiezoDN with a *BETA* master curve. This beta curve is not finalized but is good enough to get people started. It will be refined at Cone Editions Press over the coming weeks and published in v2.3 as a final curve along with PiezoDNPro curves for Salt, Zia, Cyanotype, Silver, etc.

v2 12/21/2016 ~ Updated Deluxe manual with some more documentation and ink placement charts. Updated all curves (besides 1430) to have 4+ optical dMax. Added OS X installers for non-US epson models: 1500, 4910, SC6080, SC8080, SC7080, SC9080, 7910, 9910.

v1.9 ~ Updated Smoother Tool to a default smoothness of 2 and some bug and permission fixes. Updated Piezography Manual Deluxe Edition with more documentation related to linearizing Piezography (to be released soon at piezography.com) as well as higher quality for at-home printing of manual. PC version coming Monday. Lin documentation includes instructions for ColorMunki, ColorPort/i1Pro, and i1Profiler/i1Pro. This is useful documentation for anyone using these software/hardware solutions and PiezoDN.

v1.8 ~ Updated Piezography Curve Adjustment and 21 Step Scanner tools to work with newest 64bit version of Excel. Brought dMax of x8xx wide-format master Neg/Pos and Palladium curves from 2.5+ to 3.4+ (did not update 3880 printers or smaller, and did not update the Silver curve yet.) Delete extraneous files from the Images>PiezoDN_Targets subfolders. (ColorMunki and i1Profiler documentation coming in next version).


v1.7 ~ Fixed bug found in 4880, 7880, and 9880 printer installer pkgs.

v1.6 ~ Base support for R2880 (no instructions yet), R3000 (no instructions yet), 4800, 7800, 9800, 4880, 7880, 9880. Added x800-x880 ICC profiles. Updated some documentation. The curves for these printers are baseline: aka they will need to be linearized (like all darkroom curves) as each person’s darkroom is unique. v1.6 will have silver and cyanotype for all supported printers. 🙂

v1.5 ~ Bug found and fixed in Smoother tool that affected .5% of the value of a single shadow measurement. Updated the article on required software and install procedures. (Some info on there will be more-relevant in a few weeks with the re-launch of Piezography.com).

v1.4 ~ Re-added updated “ReadMe.pdf” data sheets to 3880 and 4900 curve folders. Deleted invisible files from /Tools folder visible in Windows Beta. Updated Smoother tool to include a “Falses” column for checking reversals in top and bottom steps and also a “smoothing” amount to enable more error correction of extremely jagged target measurements due to light fall-off or errors in coating.

v1.3 ~ Updated all targets and debugged a lot. You will need to delete the target reference file in ColorPort and re-import the reference file. Added ColorMunki 51step and 129step targets. Added 21,31,51,80,129 Spyder Targets and added 31 and 80 targets for all the other spectros. Added ISISv1 and v2 support and targets. Added i1io support and targets. Updated some documentation in the manual. Added 3880 silver curve (more translations to come). Added some P2 curves for the 3880. Added Print Density Calibration service to the “Services” folder (InkjetMall will have this available shortly.) Documentation for ColorMunki and Spyder and i1Profiler and ColorPort are coming.

v1.2 ~ Added a .zip file archive of all tools in case the installer is corrupting tools files on install. Re-did the permissions on all of the Tools too. *fingers crossed*

v1.1 ~ Added ****-Pos-Master.quad (positive) curves for tintype and other positive print processes. Note: These Pos curves are not pre-linearized for those particular processes! They are generic. That means they will most likely be way too contrasty to start out with.

v1 ~ Version One: Basic copy-edit of The Piezography Manual 2016 Deluxe Edition. I apologize in advance for typos and grammar errors that I missed! -W


v1.0 GOLD MASTER RC1 ~ Release Candidate

Download Mac Os

  1. Note for Beta-testers, name your current Piezography folder “Piezography-beta” before installing this!
  2. Changed a bunch of curve names around.
  3. Added documentation.
  4. Got rid of Datasheets and added them into ReadMe.pdf files inside of each Curve folder.
  5. Added 7890 and 9890 support + directions for 7890 through 9900.
  6. Did some final edits of The Piezography Manual 2016 Deluxe Edition (more coming tonight).
  7. Added Datasheet (ReadMe) information for Cyanotype, Ziatype, Silver, etc, in the 4900-PiezoDN folder.
  8. Added information for AC and 20%Pt:80%Pd printing in the 9900 folder.

2.0 Beta ~ Added base support for 7700, 9700, 7890, 9890. Pulled some extraneous .quads from non 4900 folders that were only built for 4900. This is not a major update just a bump from 1.9 to 2.0. *note* x700 series printers do not perform at the resolution of the x890 series printers and therefore may not have perfectly linear negs. We do not have an x700 in-lab. All x700 printer support will instead be a direct pull from the 9900 we are R&Ding with in-lab.

1.9 Beta ~ Fixed the CGATS_SMOOTHER tool to allow copy/paste of all three columns directly from text-editor into the Excel document. Added linear reference line to CGATS_SMOOTHER.

1.8 Beta ~ Added new 20% Platinum and 80% Palladium curves for 9900, bug fix with CGATS SMOOTHER tool.

1.7 Beta ~ Fixed shell scripts on install. Took down auto-launch of printer installer application. Added Gum, Salt, Cyanotype, Ziatype, and BS (Bostick and Sullivan A/B method) Palladium curves to 4900-PiezoDN. Added 7900/9900 support.

1.6 Beta ~ Added 3880 support

1.5 Beta ~ Added 4900 support

1.4 Beta ~ Added 1430 support

1.3 Beta ~ Added CGATS SMOOTHER, First DATASHEETS, first rough draft of Piezography Manual 2016 Edition

1.2 Beta ~ Created first DMG.

1.1 Beta ~ Created first install PKG.


The following is a rough plan for the progression of PiezoDN software going forward.

June 2016

x880 Printer model support (PdPt) (done in 3880, upcoming for others)

Silver Negative Printing

Pt/Pd for 1430 printer

July 2016

Finish internal density translation calibration tools

ColorMunki Targets (coming in 1.3)

Build iterative 256-step PiezoDN linearization service

August 2016

I1profiler download mac download

Finish x880 support

R2000 support

256 step PiezoDN calibration services (coming in 1.3)

September 2016

October 2016

PiezoDN dev takes a break for some secret work.

November 2016

Density-linear curves to make negs with/from published historic LOG film data using the Piezography Curve Adjustment utility

December 2016

Better Salt-printing support + Printing-Out ultra-dense master curves.

Higher dMax curves. Full Zia,Salt,Gum,Cyanotype,Silver,etc support on all WF printers.


Piezography Pro PiezoDN BETA Curves

Windows Documentation (pull out of Beta)



Wet-plate support


I1profiler Download Mac Free

Piezography Pro ink master curves

About the App

  • App name: i1Profiler
  • App description: eye-one-profiler (App: i1Profiler.pkg)
  • App website: http://www.xrite.com/i1profiler-i1publish/support/d1455

I1profiler Download Mac Os

Install the App

  1. Press Command+Space and type Terminal and press enter/return key.
  2. Run in Terminal app:
    ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)' 2> /dev/null
    and press enter/return key. If you are prompted to enter your Mac's user password, enter it (when you type it, you wont see it on your screen/terminal.app but it would accept the input; this is to ensure no one can see your password on your screen while you type it. So just type password and press enter, even if you dont see it on your screen). Then wait for the command to finish.
  3. Run:
    brew install eye-one-profiler

I1 Profiler Software Download Mac

Done! You can now use i1Profiler.